Thursday Announcements...........Student Council points are due tomorrow..........12:15PM FCA Meeting (Mr. Troutt's Rm)..........3:15PM Scholastic Bowl Practice.........3:30 - 5:30PM Drama Club (EHS).........4:15PM Volleyball vs. Peoria Christian (Home)...

Solo and Ensemble Contest a Huge Success


       Congratulations go out to the entire group of band and chorus students that participated in Solo/Ensemble contest this past Saturday in Kewanee.  In band, 18 students achieved a Division 1 rating and 2 students achieved a Division 2 rating. At least one group had a perfect score. In chorus, 11 students achieved a Division 1 rating and 9 students achieved a Division 2 rating. At least 2 students had a perfect score.  The EMS students did a wonderful job and performed very well!