Thursday Announcements...........Student Council points are due tomorrow..........12:15PM FCA Meeting (Mr. Troutt's Rm)..........3:15PM Scholastic Bowl Practice.........3:30 - 5:30PM Drama Club (EHS).........4:15PM Volleyball vs. Peoria Christian (Home)...

7th Graders Support the Troops

Mrs. Bellini and 7th Graders Support our Troops

7th grade Science teacher Mrs. Kadee Bellini organized a “support our troops” drive for the 101st airborne that is currently stationed in Afghanistan. They collected supplies and wrote pen pal letters to the soldiers stationed there. The troops have been greatly encouraged by the show of encouragement and compassion from Eureka Middle School. Thank you EMS from Sgt. Davenport and the 101st Airborne.