Thursday Announcements...........Student Council points are due tomorrow..........12:15PM FCA Meeting (Mr. Troutt's Rm)..........3:15PM Scholastic Bowl Practice.........3:30 - 5:30PM Drama Club (EHS).........4:15PM Volleyball vs. Peoria Christian (Home)...

Cross Country Goes to State!

October 15, 2012

 Congratulations to the Boy's Cross Country Team for their 2nd place finish at the State Meet this past Saturday.  Wyatt Myers placed 11th overall with a time of 11:05 and Gage Bauman placed 17th with a time of 11:11 for the two mile race.  Both received medals for being a top 25 finisher.  Other EMS runners who competed for the team were Logan Ogg (11:34), Tommy Standish (11:49), Josh Wiegand (11:51), Matt Zacharias (12:09), and Trevor Corry (12:40).
Meghan Waller also had a fine showing on Saturday.  Meghan came in 28th overall with a time of 12:44 for the two mile race.  Great job Meghan!